The users of this nature trail do so at their own risk;
the Third Age Trust will not accept liability for any accidents damage, or loss incurred.
You may like to park at the far end of Main Street in Spittal where the parking is free all day and and take the B1 bus to The Castle Hotel, Berwick Station. Walk over the railway bridge to the START on your left.
Or see car park information.
Alight from your bus at The Castle Hotel near Berwick Station, walk over the railway bridge to the START on your left.
From Berwick Station, walk over the railway bridge to the START on your left.
Mobility access
Boards 10 - 13 inclusive (NU007514) are on Spittal Promenade. There is parking close by and a toilet for wheelchair users.
START (NT 99390 53557)
Start at the gate of Coronation Park at the junction of A1167 and Castle Terrace. Go through the gate and walk down the path to the first blue butterfly board.
Situated in Coronation Park with stunning views across the River Tweed. The right side is a managed flower meadow. The sculptures are based on designs by local children. Hear the sculptor explain his work. Follow the path down hill.
Tommy The Miller’s Field, a semi-natural meadow. The path meanders past a sculptural bench representing a salmon net, downhill to the river. See the old castle wall on your left.
The River Tweed and Yarrow Slake, a muddy tidal estuary rich in food for fish and birds. To your right is a carefully constructed driftwood boat sculpture. Continue left along the path under the spectacular Border Bridge built in 1850 by Robert Stephenson. If you are lucky you may spot a peregrine.
From the River Tweed, if you detour through the gate up steps to Castle Vale Park you will see a wildlife pond. Retrace your steps and continue left along the river.
Turn right across the world famous Berwick Old Bridge opened in 1624, seen recently in the film Outlaw King. The view affords close contact with wildlife normally too shy to be this close to humans, for example otters.
Although this is a built up area, there is plenty of wildlife particularly on the buildings, roofs and walls.
An important feeding place for birds. They forage in the mud when the tide is out, on the grass when the tide is in.
Within living memory this area was under water but is now interesting sand dunes. See across the river to the majestic Elizabethan town walls. You may see seals here.
From this once bustling industrial site beneath the early 1860s chimney, you might see a pod of dolphins leaping offshore.
Take the easy route along the promenade, or explore the beach for shells, seaweed, driftwood; in summer you may see gannets diving at speeds up to 62 mph.
A good spot to have a break. Cafe, toilets, picnic tables, children’s play and splash park. You will find plenty of fascinating pebbles on the beach.
At certain times of year you will see some world famous rock formations 330 million years old. Bear Rock can be seen when the tide allows.
Learn about fossils, human influence and wildlife under the cliffs.
Enjoy plentiful wildflowers and butterflies high up behind you. Eider ducks can sometimes be seen below you.
Back track to Board 13
Follow the path up the slope to the cliff track. Here the Nature Trail converges with the Northumberland Coast Path and cycle route.
FINISH (NU 01239 50701)
A bench to rest and take in spectacular views to Lindisfarne, Bamburgh Castle, and looking back along this Nature Trail towards Berwick. Take the track back into the village to the carpark or B1 bus stop at the War Memorial.